What am I looking at? Ashes, dead man.

# Card Control Characteristics Note
1x Lotleth Troll (Return to Ravnica) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Lovestruck Beast (Throne of Eldraine) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Loxodon Warhammer (Duel Decks: Knights vs....) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Ludevic's Test Subject/Ludevic's Abomination (Innistrad) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Lunar Mystic (Avacyn Restored) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Lyra Dawnbringer (Dominaria) Pull aside [NM / English]
3x Madcap Experiment (Kaladesh) Pull aside Foil [Altart / NM / English]
1x Mage-Ring Responder (Magic Origins) Pull aside [NM / English]
2x Magma Phoenix (Magic 2011) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Magma Rift (Zendikar) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
1x Magosi, the Waterveil (Zendikar) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Magus of the Scroll (Time Spiral) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Magus of the Unseen (Fifth Edition) Pull aside [NM / English]
2x Man-o'-War (Duel Decks: Jace vs. Chandra) Pull aside [NM / Japanese]
1x Mana Leak (Magic 2011) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Marble Diamond (Classic (Sixth Edition)) Pull aside [Poor / English]
2x March from the Tomb (Battle for Zendikar) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Mardu Ascendancy (Khans of Tarkir) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Mardu Strike Leader (Fate Reforged) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Marionette Master (Kaladesh) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Marit Lage's Slumber (Modern Horizons) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Mark of Mutiny (Zendikar) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
1x Mark of Sakiko (Betrayers of Kamigawa) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
1x Martyr of Frost (Duel Decks: Jace vs. Chandra) Pull aside [NM / Japanese]
1x Mass Mutiny (Planechase 2012 Edition) Pull aside [NM / English]
2x Mass Polymorph (Magic 2011) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Massacre Girl (War of the Spark) Pull aside [NM / English]
2x Master of Pearls (Khans of Tarkir) Pull aside [NM / English]
2x Master Trinketeer (Kaladesh) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Master's Call (Gateway & WPN Promos) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
1x Mastermind's Acquisition (Rivals of Ixalan) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
1x Mastery of the Unseen (Fate Reforged) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Mausoleum Secrets (Guilds of Ravnica) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
1x Mayor of Avabruck/Howlpack Alpha (Innistrad) Pull aside [NM / English]
2x Maze's End (Dragon's Maze) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
1x Meletis Charlatan (Theros) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Meloku the Clouded Mirror (Champions of Kamigawa) Pull aside [NM / English]
2x Memory Crystal (Exodus) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Memory Jar (From the Vault: Relics) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
1x Mental Misstep (New Phyrexia) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
1x Merchant's Dockhand (Aether Revolt) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Mercurial Pretender (Magic 2015 Core Set) Pull aside Foil [NM / English] Promo
1x Mesa Enchantress (Eternal Masters) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
1x Midsummer Revel (Urza's Saga) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Minamo, School at Water's Edge (Champions of Kamigawa) Pull aside [NM / English]
7x Mind Control (Magic 2011) Pull aside [NM / English]
6x Mind Sludge (Zendikar) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Mind Stone (Duel Decks: Jace vs. Chandra) Pull aside [NM / Japanese]
1x Mind Stone (Core Set - Tenth Edition) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Mindless Null (Zendikar) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]