What am I looking at? Ashes, dead man.

# Card Control Characteristics Note
1x Mindreaver (Born of the Gods) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Mindshrieker (Innistrad) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Mindshrieker (Innistrad) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
1x Minion Reflector (Shards of Alara) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
1x Mirran Crusader (Mirrodin Besieged) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Mirror-Mad Phantasm (Innistrad) Pull aside [NM / English]
3x Miscalculation (Urza's Legacy) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Misguided Rage (Scourge) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
1x Mistcaller (Core Set 2019) Pull aside Foil [Altart / NM / English]
1x Mitotic Manipulation (Mirrodin Besieged) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Mitotic Slime (Magic 2011) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
1x Mizzium Meddler (Magic Origins) Pull aside Foil [NM / English] Release promo
4x Mizzium Meddler (Release & Launch Parties) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
1x Mizzium Tank (War of the Spark) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Mob Rule (Fate Reforged) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Mogg Sentry (Planeshift) Pull aside [NM / English]
2x Molten Hydra (Urza's Legacy) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Molten Hydra (Urza's Legacy) Pull aside [EX- / English]
1x Molten Psyche (Scars of Mirrodin) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Molten-Tail Masticore (Scars of Mirrodin) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Mondronen Shaman/Tovolar's Magehunter (Dark Ascension) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Moonsilver Spear (Avacyn Restored) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
1x Moonsilver Spear (Prerelease Promos) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
1x Moonsilver Spear (Prerelease Promos) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
1x Mordant Dragon (Duel Decks: Knights vs....) Pull aside [NM / English]
2x Mortarpod (Mirrodin Besieged) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Mountain (Guilds of Ravnica) Pull aside Foil [NM / English] A07
1x Mountain (Amonkhet) Pull aside Foil [NM / English] #253
1x Mountain (Magic Origins) Pull aside Foil [NM / English] #265
1x Mountain (Magic 2013) Pull aside Foil [NM / English] #243
1x Mouth (Amonkhet) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Mouth (Amonkhet) Pull aside Foil [NM / English] Prerelease promo
2x Multiform Wonder (Kaladesh) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Munda, Ambush Leader (Battle for Zendikar) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Murderous Rider (Throne of Eldraine) Pull aside [NM / English] altart
3x Muscle Sliver (Tempest) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Mutilate (Duel Decks: Garruk vs. Liliana) Pull aside [NM / English]
3x Myr Reservoir (Scars of Mirrodin) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Myr Welder (Mirrodin Besieged) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
1x Myrsmith (Scars of Mirrodin) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Mystifying Maze (Magic 2011) Pull aside [NM / English]
4x Nameless Inversion (Lorwyn) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Nantuko Shade (Magic 2011) Pull aside [NM / Japanese]
2x Nature's Claim (Worldwake) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Naya Charm (Duel Decks: Ajani vs. Nicol...) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Necrotic Plague (Magic 2011) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
3x Necrotic Wound (Guilds of Ravnica) Pull aside Foil [NM / English] promo
1x Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion (War of the Spark) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Neheb, the Worthy (Amonkhet) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Nemesis Trap (Worldwake) Pull aside [NM / English]