Amidst the darkest ashes grow the strongest seeds.

# Card Control Characteristics Note
1x Greenwarden of Murasa (Battle for Zendikar) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
2x Grenzo's Rebuttal (Conspiracy) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Grim Haruspex (Khans of Tarkir) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Grim Lavamancer (Magic 2012) Pull aside Foil [Altart / NM / English]
2x Grixis Charm (Shards of Alara) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Gruesome Slaughter (Battle for Zendikar) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Gruul Ragebeast (Gatecrash) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Guard Gomazoa (Rise of the Eldrazi) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Gush (Mercadian Masques) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Gutter Grime (Innistrad) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
2x Guttersnipe (Commander 2013 Edition) Pull aside Foil [NM / English] Open House
4x Guul Draz Specter (Zendikar) Pull aside [NM / English]
2x Hada Freeblade (Worldwake) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Halo Hunter (Zendikar) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Hanged Executioner (Core Set 2020) Pull aside [NM / English]
3x Harabaz Druid (Worldwake) Pull aside [NM / Chinese-S]
2x Harmless Offering (Eldritch Moon) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Harmonize (Duel Decks: Garruk vs. Liliana) Pull aside [NM / English]
2x Harness the Storm (Shadows over Innistrad) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Harsh Mentor (Amonkhet) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Haunted Crossroads (Mercadian Masques) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
1x Heart of Bogardan (Weatherlight) Pull aside [EX- / English]
1x Heart-Piercer Manticore (Amonkhet) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Heartless Hidetsugu (Betrayers of Kamigawa) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Heartless Summoning (Innistrad) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Heartstone (Stronghold) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Hermit Druid (Stronghold) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Hero of Goma Fada (Battle for Zendikar) Pull aside [NM / English]
2x Heron's Grace Champion (Magic Game Day) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
1x Hidden Herd (Urza's Saga) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Hidden Retreat (Stronghold) Pull aside [EX / English]
1x Hindering Light (Shards of Alara) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Hoard-Smelter Dragon (Scars of Mirrodin) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Hoarding Dragon (Magic 2011) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Honored Hydra (Amonkhet) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Hooded Hydra (Khans of Tarkir) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
1x Horn of Greed (Conspiracy: Take the Crown) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Hostility (Duel Decks: Jace vs. Chandra) Pull aside [NM / Japanese]
1x Hour of Revelation (Hour of Devastation) Pull aside [NM / English]
2x Hull Breach (Planeshift) Pull aside [NM / English]
2x Hundred-Handed One (Theros) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Hypersonic Dragon (Prerelease Promos) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
1x Icefall Regent (Dragons of Tarkir) Pull aside Foil [NM / English] Promo
1x Ichorid (Eternal Masters) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Icon of Ancestry (Core Set 2020) Pull aside [NM / English] promo pack
2x Identity Thief (Eldritch Moon) Pull aside Foil [NM / English] Promo
1x Identity Thief (Eldritch Moon) Pull aside Foil [NM / English] Promo/Spanish
2x Identity Thief (Release & Launch Parties) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
1x Ignite the Beacon (War of the Spark) Pull aside Foil [NM / English] Prerelease
1x Impatience (Urza's Destiny) Pull aside [NM / English]