The enemy has been destroyed, sir.
So have the forest, the city, your palace, your dog...

# Card Control Characteristics Note
2x Aberrant Researcher (Shadows over Innistrad) Pull aside Foil [NM / English] Draft Weekend
1x Abundance (Core Set - Tenth Edition) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Abyssal Horror (Urza's Saga) Pull aside [NM / English]
4x Abzan Beastmaster (FNM Promo) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
1x Acclaimed Contender (Throne of Eldraine) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Acorn Harvest (Torment) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Act of Aggression (New Phyrexia) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Ad Nauseam (Shards of Alara) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Aegis Angel (Magic 2012) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Aether Searcher (Conspiracy) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Aethergeode Miner (Aether Revolt) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x AEthersnipe (Duel Decks: Jace vs. Chandra) Pull aside [NM / Japanese]
1x Aetherstorm Roc (Kaladesh) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Aethertide Whale (Aether Revolt) Pull aside [NM / English]
2x Agadeem Occultist (Worldwake) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Ageless Entity (Duel Decks: Ajani vs. Nicol...) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Agent of Horizons (Theros) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Agent of the Fates (Theros) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
1x Agent of Treachery (Core Set 2020) Pull aside [NM / English] promo pack
1x Air Elemental (Duel Decks: Jace vs. Chandra) Pull aside [NM / Japanese]
2x Ajani's Pridemate (Magic 2011) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Akoum Firebird (Battle for Zendikar) Pull aside [NM / English]
3x Akoum Refuge (Zendikar) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Akroma, Angel of Fury (Planar Chaos) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Alaborn Zealot (Portal Second Age) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Alhammarret's Archive (Magic Origins) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Altered Ego (Shadows over Innistrad) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Anarchist (Odyssey) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
2x Anathemancer (FNM Promo) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
2x Anax and Cymede (Theros) Pull aside [NM / English]
2x Anax and Cymede (Duel Decks: Heroes vs....) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Ancient Hellkite (Magic 2011) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Ancient Silverback (Urza's Destiny) Pull aside [NM / English]
2x Angel of Condemnation (Hour of Devastation) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Angel of Deliverance (Shadows over Innistrad) Pull aside [NM / English]
4x Angel of Deliverance (Shadows over Innistrad) Pull aside Foil [NM / English] Promo
2x Angel of Flight Alabaster (Innistrad) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Angelic Arbiter (Magic 2011) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Angelic Benediction (Shards of Alara) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
1x Angelic Captain (Battle for Zendikar) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Animist's Awakening (Magic Origins) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Anthousa, Setessan Hero (Theros) Pull aside [NM / English]
2x Anurid Scavenger (Torment) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Apothecary Geist (Shadows over Innistrad) Pull aside [NM / English] promo pack
1x Arbiter of the Ideal (Born of the Gods) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
3x Arc Trail (Scars of Mirrodin) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Arc-Slogger (Mirrodin) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
1x Arcane Laboratory (Urza's Saga) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Arcane Sanctum (Shards of Alara) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Arcanum Wings (Future Sight) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]