Sorry I burned down your village. Here's some gold.

# Card Control Characteristics Note
1x Sunken Hope (Planeshift) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
2x Sunscape Master (Invasion) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Supply/Demand (Dissension) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Surreal Memoir (Rise of the Eldrazi) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Swamp (Shadows over Innistrad) Pull aside Foil [NM / English] #289
1x Swamp (Theros) Pull aside Foil [NM / English] #238
1x Swamp (Return to Ravnica) Pull aside Foil [NM / English] #261
11x Swamp (Unhinged) Pull aside Foil [Altart / NM / English] Some EX
1x Sword of Sinew and Steel (Modern Horizons) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Sword-Point Diplomacy (Ixalan) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Sylvan Awakening (Dominaria) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Sylvan Ranger (Gateway & WPN Promos) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
1x Syndicate Trafficker (Kaladesh) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Tahngarth, Talruum Hero (Planeshift) Pull aside [EX / English]
1x Tamiyo's Journal (Shadows over Innistrad) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Taniwha (Mirage) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Tasigur, the Golden Fang (Fate Reforged) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Telekinetic Sliver (Time Spiral) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Tempest Djinn (Dominaria) Pull aside [NM / English]
3x Temple Bell (Magic 2011) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Temple Garden (Guilds of Ravnica) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Temple of Malady (Core Set 2020) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Temple of Mystery (Core Set 2020) Pull aside [NM / English]
2x Temur War Shaman (Fate Reforged) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Tendo Ice Bridge (Betrayers of Kamigawa) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Terastodon (Conspiracy) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Terra Eternal (Worldwake) Pull aside [NM / English]
4x Tezzeret, Master of the Bridge (War of the Spark) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
2x Thada Adel, Acquisitor (Worldwake) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Thalia, Heretic Cathar (Eldritch Moon) Pull aside [NM / English]
5x The Haunt of Hightower (Ravnica Allegiance) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
2x The Hive (Fifth Edition) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Theater of Horrors (Ravnica Allegiance) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Thief of Sanity (Guilds of Ravnica) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Thopter Squadron (Exodus) Pull aside [NM / English]
3x Thorn Lieutenant (Core Set 2019) Pull aside [NM / English]
2x Thragtusk (Magic 2013) Pull aside [NM / English]
2x Thran Turbine (Urza's Saga) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Thrash (Ravnica Allegiance) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Thunder Dragon (Duel Decks: Knights vs....) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Thunderblust (Modern Masters 2015 Edition) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Thunderbreak Regent (Dragons of Tarkir) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Tideforce Elemental (Worldwake) Pull aside Foil [NM / English]
1x Tidings (Core Set - Tenth Edition) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Tilonalli's Summoner (Rivals of Ixalan) Pull aside [NM / English]
2x Time Elemental (Fifth Edition) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Time Elemental (Fifth Edition) Pull aside [EX- / English]
1x Time Reversal (Magic 2012) Pull aside [NM / English]
1x Time Wipe (War of the Spark) Pull aside [NM / English]
3x Time Wipe (War of the Spark Promos) Pull aside Foil [NM / English] Planeswalker Weekend