Before religion or civilization, there was order.
Cardlist match
# Card Characteristics Note
1x Azorius Signet (Any set) [Foil / NM or better]
2x Blood Crypt (Any set) [NM or better]
1x Botanical Sanctum (Any set) [NM or better]
1x Brimaz, King of Oreskos (Any set) [Foil / NM or better]
1x Collective Brutality (Any set) [NM or better]
2x Concealed Courtyard (Any set) [NM or better]
1x Frantic Search (Any set) [Foil / NM or better]
1x Fulminator Mage (Any set) [NM or better]
1x Guttersnipe (Any set) [Foil / NM or better]
4x Inspiring Vantage (Any set) [NM or better]
1x Shambling Vent (Any set) [NM or better]
1x Sneak Attack (Any set) [Foil / NM or better]
1x Thrun, the Last Troll (Any set) [Foil / NM or better]
1x Time Spiral (Any set) [NM or better]
1x Winter Orb (Eternal Masters) [Foil / NM or better]
1x Yawgmoth's Bargain (Any set) [NM or better]